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Students and participants from low income countries are entitled to 50% discount from the conference price.
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Special Student
Students and participants from low income countries are entitled to 50% discount from the conference price.
More Details Here
Regular Conference Ticket 500 Euro
Add Icebreaker ticket for your partner 50 EUR (includes Swedish buffet and open bar for 7 hours)
Add Gala Dinner ticket for your partner 50 EUR (includes Swedish buffet and open bar for 7 hours)
FOSS4G Bucharest 2019 Conference - Early Bird Registration
330,00 €
FOSS4G Bucharest 2019 Conference - Regular Registration
500,00 €
Icebreaker Ticket
50,00 €
Gala Dinner
50,00 €
0,00 €
26th of August 2019 09:00 - 13:00 - Now 70€
OSGeo 101- Fee: 70 EUR
Interactive web maps in the cloud with HERE XYZ (Sponsored)- FREE OF CHARGE
Geopaparazzi: never out of data in the field- Fee: 70 EUR
Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive- Fee: 70 EUR
Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way – 70 EUR
Creating web-mapping applications with QGIS Server and QWC2- Fee: 70 EUR
Introduction to GeoNode- Fee: 70 EUR
Your first steps with Orfeo Toolbox ; how to write an OTB processing chain within a Jupyter Notebook ?- Fee: 70 EUR
Point cloud management and processing with PDAL + Entwine- Fee: 70 EUR
Query the Planet with EOLearn and Sentinel Data- Fee: 70 EUR
Working with mesh layers in QGIS- Fee: 70 EUR
Interactive web maps in the cloud with HERE XYZ (Sponsored)- FREE OF CHARGE
Sorry, this item is sold out.
OSGeo 101- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Geopaparazzi: never out of data in the field- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way – 50 EUR
70,00 €
Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Creating web-mapping applications with QGIS Server and QWC2- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Introduction to GeoNode- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Your first steps with Orfeo Toolbox ; how to write an OTB processing chain within a Jupyter Notebook ?- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Point cloud management and processing with PDAL + Entwine- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Query the Planet with EOLearn and Sentinel Data- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Working with mesh layers in QGIS- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
26th of August 2019 14:00 - 18:00 - Now 70€
Removed! - Sales & Marketing 101 for FOSS4G Entrepreneurs- Fee: 70 EUR
Thriving in hybrid ESRI & Opensource environments (Sponsored)-FREE OF CHARGE
Because data is outside - QField, the future of QGIS on mobile devices- Fee: 70 EUR
Learn how to create web applications for your needs with Mapbender- Fee: 70 EUR
QGIS Server with Python superpowers- Fee: 70 EUR
Oskari made easy- Fee: 70 EUR
pgRouting workshop- Fee: 70 EUR
Orfeo ToolBox and SNAP open source tools for Copernicus Sentinel 1&2 data fusion- Fee: 70 EUR
Removed! - Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way- Fee: 70 EUR
Explore UK Crime Data with Pandas and GeoPandas- Fee: 70 EUR
FOSS tools for modeling natural hazards: the HortonMachine library- Fee: 70 EUR
Becoming a Documentation Contributor by Ian Turton- Fee: 70 EUR
Sales & Marketing 101 for FOSS4G Entrepreneurs- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Thriving in hybrid ESRI & Opensource environments (Sponsored)-FREE OF CHARGE
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Because data is outside - QField, the future of QGIS on mobile devices- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Learn how to create web applications for your needs with Mapbender- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
QGIS Server with Python superpowers- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Oskari made easy- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
pgRouting workshop- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Orfeo ToolBox and SNAP open source tools for Copernicus Sentinel 1&2 data fusion- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Removed! - Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Explore UK Crime Data with Pandas and GeoPandas- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
FOSS tools for modeling natural hazards: the HortonMachine library- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Becoming a Documentation Contributor by Ian Turton- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
27th of August 2019 09:00 - 13:00 - Now 70€
Removed! - Modern geospatial web development with CARTO VL and Airship- Fee: 70 EUR
Cancelled - How to manage and publish QGIS projects on the WEB- Fee: 70 EUR
GeoTools Developer Workshop- Fee: 70 EUR
Real-time raster geoprocessing with WebGL- Fee: 70 EUR
Extraction, analysis and dataviz on open geospatial datasets- Fee: 70 EUR
Getting started with GeoServer: data configuration and styling- Fee: 70 EUR
Introduction to GeoNetwork Opensource- Fee: 70 EUR
Doing Geospatial with Python- Fee: 70 EUR
QGIS and PostGIS meet in 3d dimension- Fee: 70 EUR Fee: 70 EUR
QGIS and Open Data for Hydrological Applications- Fee: 70 EUR
Modern geospatial web development with CARTO VL and Airship- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
How to manage and publish QGIS projects on the WEB- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this workshop has cancelled
GeoTools Developer Workshop- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Real-time raster geoprocessing with WebGL- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Extraction, analysis and dataviz on open geospatial datasets- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Getting started with GeoServer: data configuration and styling- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Doing Geospatial with Python- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Introduction to GeoNetwork Opensource- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
QGIS and PostGIS meet in 3d dimension- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out. Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
QGIS and Open Data for Hydrological Applications- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
27th of August 2019 14:00 - 18:00 - Now 70€
Introduction to MapStore, mashups made simple- Fee: 70 EUR
Tips and Tricks for QGIS layouts, reports and atlas serial printing by Andreas Neumann- Fee: 70 EUR
Building your own CesiumJS map, made easy with TerriaJS- Fee: 70 EUR
Handling rasters in PostGIS- Fee: 70 EUR
R for Geospatial Processing- Fee: 70 EUR
GeoServer Developers Workshop- Fee: 70 EUR
GeoNetwork Advanced: User Interface and Schema customization by Jorge S. Mendes de Jesus, Paul van Genuchten, Antonio Cerciello- Fee: 70 EUR
Spatio-temporal data processing and visualization with GRASS GIS- Fee: 70 EUR
PostgreSQL/PostGIS for Beginner- Fee: 70 EUR
Applying deep learning to geospatial data with the CosmiQ Software Stack by Nick Weir, CosmiQ Work- Fee: 70 EUR
Working with data? Workflow for spatial data management based on models (Use case: Land Administration) by Germán Carrillo- Fee: 70 EUR
Introduction to MapStore, mashups made simple- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Tips and Tricks for QGIS layouts, reports and atlas serial printing by Andreas Neumann- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Building your own CesiumJS map, made easy with TerriaJS- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Handling rasters in PostGIS- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
R for Geospatial Processing- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
GeoServer Developers Workshop- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
GeoNetwork Advanced: User Interface and Schema customization by Jorge S. Mendes de Jesus, Paul van Genuchten, Antonio Cerciello- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
Spatio-temporal data processing and visualization with GRASS GIS- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
PostgreSQL/PostGIS for Beginner- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Applying deep learning to geospatial data with the CosmiQ Software Stack by Nick Weir, CosmiQ Work- Fee: 50 EUR
Sorry, this item is sold out.
Working with data? Workflow for spatial data management based on models (Use case: Land Administration) by Germán Carrillo- Fee: 50 EUR
70,00 €
0,00 €
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Payment and Invoice
Organisation Name/ Name :
will writing on the invoice
Town, Country
Fiscal Code
for individuals please fill in using 0, THIS FIELD IS MANDATORY FOR COMPANIES.
Payment Option
Card Payment
Bank Transfer
0,00 €